Ilios Interactive — Multi-sensory installation
ILIOS is an interactive light and sound installation Jonathon created in 2017. He built 13’ diameter geodesic dome that is completely mirrored on the inside in which 3 people enter and collectively make a piece of music with the 3 shapes that are equipped with sensors that detect the position and proximity of the viewer hands. The faces of each shape correspond to a different note or chord of that instrument. The notes are curated in such a way that you do not need to have any musical background to create a harmonious piece of music together as well as a beautiful collage of light that is reflected and multiplied by the mirrors inside the dome. Each spectator is equipped with wireless ear buds and a Subpac that is a subwoofer you wear on your back in which the Pyriamid (The bass instrument) vibrates everyone’s bodies in the frequency of the bass note that is played.
Light As A Feather
(Istanbul, Turkey)
The sculpture depicts a thought experiment on the similarities between gravity, the bending of space time, and the varying emotional weight each individual feels in their everyday life.
In the base of the sculpture there is a sensor that detects when and how the sculpture is being touched, making it into an ambient instrument.
Learn more about Light As A Feather — here
Sculpture: Paria Pahlevani
Interactive: Jonathon Mooney
Listen (Istanbul, Turkey)— A collaboration with Feminist Metal Sculptor Paria Pahlevani. Paria sculpted a pair of larger than life earbuds and Jonathon installed speakers inside with a sensor that detects when the viewer walks in between them. An Iranian lullaby is playing through the speakers until someone walks through the sculpture, then the lullaby changes to women screaming. The completed sculpture includes pedestals (See Below)
A proof of concept turning a succulent into a musical instrument.